Wednesday, July 1, 2009

At What Grade Level is it Appropriate to Start Using Web Pages for Assignments?

Technology use has become a vital and important skill for individuals today. We have seen students, much younger than before, who are capable of using technology provided for them. It is safe to say that knowledge of technology is greatly increasing with each generation. But should we encourage students to use technology, like computers and web pages, to complete all of their work? And if we do, at what age is it appropriate and likely that students will be able to do so?Having experience working in an elementary school and seeing first-hand the computer and Internet skills students have I am still slightly unsure whether using web pages for assignment submission in an elementary school would be good. I am sure of the fact that this would be acceptable and appropriate for middle school and high school students. Unfortunately for this use of technology, I feel that elementary school students, especially K-3, need to receive assignments first-hand. In my opinion they need to receive assignments this way because it helps with their organization, responsibilities, handwriting, spelling, etc. If we assign work to be completed on a class web page, we are encouraging students to use the Internet for help, rather than using their own knowledge. The arguments for both sides I am sure are endless and I would love to hear others opinions on this subject!


  1. I completely agree with you Christine. I student taught in a second grade classroom,and I would never have used a school website solely for completing homework assignments. Students need to develop fine motor skills still at that age, and improve their handwriting as well. If everything is typed, students will never learn the foundations in which we were all taught in school, and has helped us succeed. I think that the internet is a wonderful tool, but it needs to be used with other supplements that have been the way of teaching for decades. Additioanlly, like you said, homework on paper increases student responsibility, and also improves their organziation. Once students get into middle and high school, they are going to need to properly organize their own materials, not just know how to create new folders on their desktop! What happened to Trapperkeepers?! I still think students need to receive their assignments from the teacher to be handed in and discussed/graded.

  2. Agreed! That is also why we shouldn't let students loose in MS Word. They would never learn how to spell or learn grammar either. I believe we need to use technology in sparing doses in the lower grades but as students reach 3rd and 4th grades they should be using technology on a regular basis. Technology needs to be implemented seamlessly. When using technology in any class (other than a class on technology) the technology shouldn’t overshadow the content of the lesson.
